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how many punchkis?
Warsaw as cool.
Wow, what a way to start a post. Right after mentioning how I pride myself in good writing structure, I blow it with a three-word thickheaded intro. Moving along...
Warsaw was actually quite interesting.
This was another classic example of a city that has been rebuilt within the past few decades because of the effects of war. Beautiful architecture, good food, and nice people. Well, mostly nice people - I had to talk Charlie out of a fight with no knowledge of the Polish language whatsoever.
The monument of Frederick Chopin. This was nice to see because I have a softy for his work, and I'll tell you why. When I was growing up we had a fancy piano at my house. This fancy piano played audio samples on command, so when my friends came over I would cue up the Chopin demos and pretend to play, when I would really just nervously slam on the keys hoping not to get busted. Needless to say I fooled 95% of my childhood friends into thinking I was a concert pianist by the age of 11.
One of the most frustrating issues on this trip so far is constant change in currency (and this will be the only thing I complain about). I can barely keep up with the exchange rates, and the result is that everything seems like a deal to me because the Euro is stronger than everything. There's been a reoccurring joke that none of us can remember any of the names of the currencies. For example, the Polish dollar has been called the names: schlotzky, punchki, polski, zlatki, dobri, fiski, tuskis, etc. And this goes for every currency so far.
moving along...
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